Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Presentation: Reflection


Well this is us onto our 9th week, which means last week was our crit presentation week (slides to follow) So here is what i think went well and what didn't quite gel...

First off, I got very nervous at the beginning of my presentation I don't know why it got me so bad but I did manage to get over it by the end but it did have a negative effect on my presentation.

My feedback from lecturers were still rather positive however Lynn and Ryan both mentioned how they were worried that I didn't seem to have gotten much further in the theory side of things than where I was 4 weeks ago. This has alot to do with the misunderstanding of what we were to show, my nerves and not being able to convey my thoughts well enough. Both Brian and Ryan both said afterwards that I didnt seem that enthusiastic, which is right in the sense that my nerves and such dont make me ethusiastic when it comes to talking but I am ethusiastic about the project.

Anyways, I just need to make sure that in 3 months I have a solid understanding of where I am at.

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